Mayo Arts Service Funding Announced - Closes16th March 2023

Filmmakers you may be interested in applying for Mayo County Council's Mayo Artist Bursary and the Tyrone Guthrie Regional Bursary.

Mayo Artist Bursary: The Artist Bursary Award aims to support the work of professional artists, working in any artform, at all stages of their career, currently resident in Mayo.  

Tyrone Guthrie Regional Bursary: Mayo County Council is offering two bursaries to artists living and working in Mayo, to enable them to spend two weeks at The Tyrone Guthrie Centre at Annaghmakerrig, County Monaghan. The centre has a variety of workspaces including studios, a music room for composers and musicians, and a large rehearsal and performance space. Applicants should show significant achievement in their chosen field or demonstrate a high degree of promise.  This bursary is open to practitioners in all art forms. 

Detailed guidelines for applicants and application forms are available on or from Mayo Arts Service, Mayo County Council at

The closing date for applications is Thursday 16th March 2023 at 5pm.